Institute of Clinical Pathology & Medical Research
Westmead Hospital

The Institute of Clinical Pathology and Medical Research (ICPMR) provides the diagnostic pathology services for Westmead Hospital, and is a leader in public health, clinical pathology, training and research.
The Institute of Clinical Pathology and Medical Research (ICPMR) is located within the Westmead Hospital medical precinct. It provides pathology services to Westmead Hospital, as well as other hospitals within the Western Sydney Local Health District (WSLHD).
Our role
In optimising the Central Thermal Plant, our approach involved working with defined population scenarios to rationalise domestic hot water capacity. This led to the development of a centralised thermal plant design that not only met performance requirements but also had a total capacity less than the complex’s peak load aggregate. Simultaneously, we fostered strong relationships through robust user group and stakeholder engagement within the consortium.
As part of our role, we designed a PC2 Laboratory to house Grade A sterility testing isolators for final product testing.
Our commitment to sustainable design and a Whole-of-Life (WOL) approach included implementing smart metering, conducting a comprehensive materials and plant selection study, and in analysing water pipework sizing. This innovative approach aimed to reduce pipework diameters, minimising heat loss and embodied energy. We also developed a water quality remediation strategy that not only met the user and operator needs but also provided a system aligned with the operational strategy.
In pursuit of Net Zero objectives, we reviewed electrification strategies to heat hot water, thereby progressing towards carbon neutrality (Net Zero). Leveraging our experience and capability in quality, we delivered fully coordinated 3D documented designs, supporting certainty of delivery and robust risk management. This ensured that construction could progress with the assurance that clash-free designs would result in a project completed on time and within budget.
Additionally, we successfully managed the tender and delivery processes for the AP refurbishment, Core Lab refurbishment, and Molecular Diagnostics and Genomics (MDG). Leveraging our experience and capability in quality, we delivered fully coordinated 3D documented designs, supporting certainty of delivery and robust risk management.
Health Infrastructure NSW
Westmead, NSW
Fire Services
Hydraulic Services
Tertiary education
Life sciences