Sydney Metro West
Clyde Stabling & Maintenance Facility

The Sydney Metro West project will support a growing city and deliver world-class metro services to more communities.This new underground railway will connect Greater Parramatta and the Sydney CBD.
Sydney Metro West is an underground railway system that will create a vital link between Greater Parramatta and the Sydney CBD. Our involvement in this part of the project involved the relocation of Twin DN1200 pipelines at the Clyde MSF, a significant step in facilitating the construction of the new Sydney Metro West Maintenance and Stabling Facility. This facility will house a traction substation, supplying power to the metro line, and a water treatment plant dedicated to processing and recycling wastewater generated by the tunnels, stations, and underground facilities.
Our role
WSce undertook the detailed design and provide construction assistance for 1700m of DN steel pipeline realignment as part of the Sydney Metro West, Clyde MSF enabling works. The design comprised three inline valve chambers with DN1000 metal seated gate valves and a DN450 cross-connection chamber.
We performed hydraulic and pipe-soil interaction analyses, designed piled foundation support for 150 metres of pipeline and conducted slope stability assessments on the M4 Motorway and Duck Creek embankments. Additionally, we designed a complex thrust restraint system for DN1200 connections to ensure that the pipeline could be taken out of service and re-commissioned with minimal impact on the customers.
Our role also involved stakeholder engagement and undertaking the design and coordination of 500m of combined utility corridor comprising 500m of DN500 recycled water main, 33kV Ausgrid electrical supply,11kV Endeavour Energy electrical supply and 500m of DN350 of Jemena high-pressure trunk mains, all of which had to be constructed parallel to the DN1200 pipeline.
Sydney Metro West
Sydney, NSW
Design & Construct
2 x DN1200
Water Engineering
Infrastructure & utility services